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Pool Rules for Dragons

  Plan a day of sunshine  and wild water games for your little guy.  Host this fun Dragon Pool Party for the boys!

 There have been many magnificent mythological beasts but none so cool as the dragon!  Dragons are huge creatures that fly through the air, dive at great speed into any ocean and guard their gold with a careful eye.

Decorating for the Party

If your budget allows, search online for the best size water dragon floatie and buy one.  Water dragon floaties are cool and the kids will love it! 

Get the kids involved with making some dragon decor.  Create a few egg carton dragons for your buffet table!


Buy these supplies from your local dollar store to make floating coolers for drinks in the pool!


Between the pool toys and water war toys you are going to have some very active boys, already.  If you want to add on to the fun then create some "out of the pool games" by making a "pin the tail on the dragon game" or purchase some mini-footballs and make a pool noodle target game.

Buy large castle-shaped beach pails and add items to each.  Pile in swim goggles, bubbles, gold chocolate coins, dragon toys, water bottles and sidewalk chalk or underwater disposable cameras.

Fill laundry baskets with clean beach towels, flippers, snorkels, beach balls, diving stix for the pool kick boards and water guns.

Fill a large pail with water and add colourful sponges.  Add water balloons to another pail.  The water wars will be amazing!

Cut slices from pool noodles and float them in the pool or string them together to make garland to decorate the area.

Have an adult or certified life guard watching the children in the pool at all times and one or two adults supervising the games and treats

Keep a first aid kit readily available

Food for the Party

hot dogs




egg salad sandwiches


ham & cheese sandwiches




macaroni salad


cheesy macaroni in a crock pot aka dragon tails (lasagna noodles cooked and cut down the middle in a cheese sauce)


potato salad


vegetable platters


ranch dip


a huge watermelon filled with chunks of watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew balls


lemonade and ice tea 

Need a cake topper?

Give each parent a clipboard and request sheet for their contact numbers both cellphone(s) and landlines as well as additional emergency contact names and numbers.  Clearly define pick up times for each child and ask that the drop off parent be the pick up parent unless you know them.  Get information about allergies and required medications and their doctor's name and number.  If the parent will supply a health card number get that as well, in case of emergency.

If you are doing a barbecue then stick with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill. 


If you are not grilling then make some cold summer salads and sandwiches or subs. 


Disposable paper plates, napkins, forks, spoon & knives and plastic table runners are great time savers at clean-up time.   


Keep dessert simple by bringing out ice cream sandwiches.


Fill a cooler with frozen treats and water for the kids to enjoy throughout the day.

Set real time out rules for the kids to maintain order

Dragon Rules

1.  No Splashing!

Aerial stunts are no longer permitted.


2. No Outside Food Allowed!  

No one enjoys sticky marshmallow toes.


3. No Eating the Pool Noodles!  

Also, life savers, floaties and vests are not snacks.


4. No Fires Permitted!  

We are now down to one cabana.


5. Brush before entering the Pool!

Dragon breath can kill. 


Thank You, 



The Management

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