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Cinnamon Cherry Floats

Cherry Compote with pears and cinnamon  served warm or cold over vanilla ice cream makes this wonderful Cinnamon Cherry Float!  

Reserve the extra compote for your morning cereal or stir it into some vanilla yogurt for breakfast.


  • 1 pint of cherries

  •  2 pears

  • 2 tablespoons of butter

  • 3 cups of water

  • 1/2 cup of sugar

  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

  • vanilla ice cream

a cinnamon cherry float


  1. rinse cherries in  a colander 

  2. cut cherries in half, removing the pits and stems

  3. peel and dice the pears, removing stems and cores

  4. melt butter in a saucepan

  5. add in the fruit and cook until softened

  6. add water in one cup increments to the saucepan, boil down, stirring frequently

  7. add 1/3 of the sugar each time water is added

  8. sprinkle in cinnamon and stir 

  9. serve warm or cold over vanilla ice cream, reserve leftover cinnamon cherry compote in an airtight container to use over cereal or mixed in with yogurt


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