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cherry blossoms

Springtime in Burnaby, British Columbia is a blessing.  The cherry blossoms are bursting forth and the magnolia blossoms are preparing to give us a show. 

Peter Rabbit should be putting in an appearance shortly.  My main tradition at Easter is the preparation of Easter baskets for our daughters.

Easter Bucket

Easter Basket preparations are now underway!  Two weeks of flu has only slowed me down, a little.   I'm behind schedule this year with my Easter preparations.

I cheated a whole lot and hit the dollar store and the mall to pull together items that are inexpensive and that are not just chocolates and sweets.  The chocolate bunnies are still part of the package as well as jellybeans and lolly pops but not a "peep" in sight.

Easter Bucket

I'm actually pleased with the results of my Easter quickie baskets.  That's one little chore done for my Easter preparations.  

Easter Facts

Easter is the celebration of the resurrection by God of Jesus Christ. Christians mark the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus.  The word "Easter" relates back to a goddess of Spring and of fertility.  The dates for celebrating Easter are not set days like Christmas and Valentine's Day.  The date is based on the equinox of Spring and the lunar cycle. 

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