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Egg Carton Flowers

This is an easy, fun and very inexpensive craft to make for Mother's Day or for any time you want to keep your junior artist busy.  Beth invited her friend Willy for a day of crafting and they got busy painting flowers for Willy's mother.   A platter of fruit and veggies turned the crafting time into a mini-party for two! 

Happy Mother's Day!


3 Egg Cartons, 12 cake pop sticks, a variety of bright paints from the $ store, toilet paper, scissors, paint brushes and a jar of water for the paint brushes and an old rag for spills and brush cleanup 

Cut out 12 cups from one of the dozen egg cartons.  Use the lid as a holding tray for the egg cups.  Use the second egg carton as your paint holder and paint stand for when you paint the egg cup.  Use the third egg carton as a drying area for your creation, flip the whole third carton upside down, poke holes in the bottom of each egg cup and you now have your drying area to be used when the flowers are drying after the tissue/toilet paper squares are glued on and the cake pop stick inserted and again for when the paint dries.  Afterwards, open the third carton and use it again to rest the flowers upside down while the green painted stems dry.

Drizzle glue around the outside of each egg cup and gently wrap a square of toilet/tissue paper around the cup. We used 2 layers for each to give the appearance of petals and on the inside of each cup we added three layers to help hold in the cake pop stick, plenty of glue was used.  The glue needed approx. 30 minutes to dry before painting the egg cups.   

This is the perfect time to fill up the egg cups with the paint you want to use and to bring out snacks for your artists!

Flowers are Poetry 
Flowers are Poetry Realized
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