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Labour Day

Labour Day is typically a chance for Canadians to enjoy one last long weekend in the summer and for families to enjoy each other's company before their schedules become busy again with homework and after school activities. Many families will be sending children back to school on the Tuesday following the long weekend.   

Toronto, Spring of 1872, leaders of an unlawful Trade Union are imprisoned for striking for workers' rights and the Toronto Trades Assembly are demonstrating for their release.  Workers strike for shorter, 9 hour work days and fair treatment. The Conservative federal government of the time, led by Sir John A. MacDonald, making a politically savvy decision, abolishes the anti-union laws. An official holiday is granted then changed to it's current date of the first Monday in September.   

Mom On Strike!

Mom, are you tired of unmade beds and messy drawers? Strike now with an "Our Four Suitcases" On Strike Memorandum!  Let your kids know you mean business! 

(An "Our Four Suitcases" Printable) 

Top 5 Items to Store in the Fall (Room by Room)

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