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Mother's Day

Mothers everywhere are expected to put their feet up for the day and to take it easy.  It is our day to be pampered by our loved ones and to be recognized for our contributions to the family.  

I say "Bring it on!" I want to be and fully expect to be spoiled!  I look forward to this special day!  It is my day.  

my flowers from Rob

Mother's Day

"Yes, I want to bask in your adoration.  I've done the cold toast and tea in bed and school projects thing.  I've cleaned up the kitchen after your pancake surprises.  I've happily accepted and kept your loving missives.  You are both 20 years old now and it's time to bump up your game.To be clear, I am leaving you this list of how you can make my special day one for me to remember."  

(I know that at least one of my daughters will read this blog post)

I     lists!!

1.  Let me sleep in! I treasure the days that I am not woken by a cat's hungry stomach.  Feed the cats and give them some love. 

2.  Quietly tidy around the house.  I don't want to see dirty dishes when I wake up. 

3.  Let your friends know that you are unavailable for the day.  You will be giving me your full attention.

4.  Run a tub of hot water and bubbles and leave those nice white fluffy towels on the counter top for me.

5.  Get the number for the Chinese food delivery and place the order for supper. Set the table,  Serve the meal and do all the dishes.

6. I want plenty of hugs throughout the day and at some point I want you to call your grandmother to say hello and to pass me the phone so I can wish my mother a special day, too.

Perfect Gifts for Mom

flowers-plants-bubble bath-paperback novels(romance stories please)-vanilla candles-gardening gloves-anything scented with lavender-cd's by 80's rock bands-big baskets-pretty stationary-pink slippers-a pretty scarf-fine linen napkins and tablecloth-a flowery tea pot and teacup and saucer just for me...there is lots here to choose from and if daddy asks what he can get me then by all means suggest a bigger ticket item like a new set of really nice cream-colour dishes or crystal glasses or better yet still, anything sexy for my new bar!  He is also welcome to stock up on sangria stuffs before mother's day. 

my story

Update:  I made out like a bandit and got spoiled rotten with cards, hugs and kisses, breakfast in bed, bath bombs, scented candles, bubble bath, romance novels, chocolate turtles, hand lotion, perfume and lots of attention followed by Chinese Food!  A great day!

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