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New Year's Eve


It is impossible for me to think about New Years Eve without remembering the many years spent as a child watching the ball in Times Square make it's 1 minute descent to signal the start of a new year.  My great grandmother and I would do the countdown with Dick Clark, kiss, then sing Auld Lang Syne while hugging and crying.  I still cry every year.  The lyrics to Old Lang Syne pledge that we will drink to everyone's good health and that whatever may come that old friends will not be forgotten. For me, now, the lyrics sung each year and the tears are for my grandmother who I will never forget.  For me it also feels like a big sigh of relief, in a way, that we have managed to survive another year on this crazy planet.

Midnight Sparklers

Our yearly traditions to celebrate the new year have included parties and phone calls to family.  There is usually lots of fun and games and music leading up to that final minute of the old year.  Some years since moving have been quiet.  Last year we were in a huge mob of people at casino but this year we were home...but not quiet...nope!  Our strongest, never to be missed tradition is to go outside with sparklers and pots and pans and wooden spoons for banging loudly while lighting up the night.  We perform this ritual  to scare off the bad luck going into the new year.

New Year Toast

A champagne themed party is practically mandatory for this celebration.  Break out the bubbly!  Pink champagne cupcakes and truffles accompanied by lady fingers with pink champagne icing are a must for any elegant New Year bash.  Plan some fun and games for your guests.  Games for small groups over the years have included charades, trivia and even neighbourhood scavenger hunts.  Scavenger hunts are the most fun!  Create a list of 30 items that have to be gathered and give each team a copy of the list.  This is a fun game for early on in the evening.  Happy New Year and welcome 2018!!

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