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Superstar Roast Sirloin Tip Steak  

Roast Sirloin Tip Steak cooks up really nice and tender in this meal for four people!  The meat was a fair price and my little cheats made this an easy to prepare and elegant offering at the supper table.

The rosemary & garlic roasted mashed potatoes were a huge hit!

Superstar Roast Sirloin Tip Steak



  • Serves Four

  • 1 Pound of Sirloin Tip Steak

  • 8 medium russet potatoes

  • 8 medium carrots

  • 3 cups of fresh green beans

  • 1 large red pepper

  • 1 beefsteak tomato

  • 1 10 ounce can of beef gravy

  • 1 10 ounce can of mushroom soup

  • 1 cup of water (half at a time)

  • Sprigs of fresh rosemary

  • 1 tablespoon of garlic powder

  • 1 teaspoon of salt 

  • 1 teaspoon of pepper

  • 4 tablespoons of butter


  1. Roast(bake)from frozen-one pound of sirloin tip steak at 350 degrees Fahrenheit in a covered roaster 

  2. Remove steak from oven after 30-40 minutes and slice into strips, removing all fat and returning fat only to the roaster

  3. Clean and slice carrots lengthwise, twice and add to the roasting pan  (at 350F) when the steak is removed, add in 3-4 cups of water to cover carrots and leave room for adding potatoes for roasting

  4. Wash and peel potatoes, cut in halves and add to roasting pan on top of the carrots, continue to cook with the lid on for an additional 30 minutes, potatoes should be soft but not falling apart 

  5. Remove roasted potatoes with a slotted spoon and add to an oven safe mixing bowl along with sprigs of fresh rosemary and 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of pepper and 1 tablespoon of garlic powder.  Mash to desired consistency. Cover and return to oven beside the roaster of carrots.  Turn off the oven after 3-5 minutes and allow to stay in oven until ready to serve within 15 minutes 

  6. Wash and cut red pepper and tomato, dice tomato and cut the red pepper into strips(removing the red pepper seeds)

  7. In a skillet over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons of butter and add red pepper strips and the diced tomato, cook until tender and then add in the sliced sirloin tip steak  

  8. Add to skillet, 1 can of mushroom soup then 1/2 cup of water, stir to blend all together then add 1 can of beef gravy and the final 1/2 cup of water,  stirring all until blended, cook on medium for 5-8 minutes, stirring often 

  9. Wash and boil green beans until tender

  10. Serve as desired, the potatoes are delicious and good on their own as a side to the steak tips, add carrots and green beans

  11. Add fresh bakery bread or rolls with butter and water or red wine with the meal

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