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Gaiwan Brewing

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a gaiwan

The best part of going to garage sales is finding items that you just do not see every day.  Rob and Beth found this Chinese gaiwan tea set for $10 at a sale this summer.  As soon as the tea set was handed over to me I started doing my research on how to use each interesting article.   

My research on the tea set shows me that the set is a traveller's version of a regular gaiwan tea set used in a gongfu tea ceremony.  It appears to be something frequent flyers are awarded by an airline.  I delve further to find out that this Chinese tea ceremony can be performed in many slightly different ways but that the basics are all pretty much the same.  The equipment can vary as well and the costs for a well crafted set can be exorbitant.  Clay teapots hold heat longer and that is reflected in their cost.  

a package of oolong tea leaves

I have found a fantastic resource  on all things "gaiwan tea".  A Youtube channel with plenty of resources on not just the tea ceremony and the apparatus but on the different types of teas to experience .  I find myself watching several of the entertaining and educational videos made by Don of Mei Leaf.  Check him out at Mei Leaf.  

I have chosen to try oolong tea for my first gongfu ceremony.   I pick up some oolong and get a recommendation from the store clerk to also try pu-ehr tea which has  per the web "a dirt taste".  I wish I had looked that up first but one must take chances at times to learn new things.

my gaiwan service

I'm going to tell you a little secret.  Not every Canadian is addicted to Tim Horton's Coffee.  I personally detest coffee and am an avid fan of tea, usually with 4-5 packets of sugar and no milk or cream.  My dad always made tea this way out in the bush and I have been drinking tea since I was a young kid.

I am pleased that I do not have the compulsive need to stand in long line ups to get some caffeine and sugar.  Rob, however, exists on tea.  I have heard stories of his mother giving him tea in his baby bottle.  He's addicted. 

Some tea ceremonies also include a small clay figurine sitting on the tea service board.  The figurine is referred to as a "tea pet" and dousing it with tea brings good luck to everyone at the ceremony. 

I want a small clay otter!

Tea time!  The kettle is on!

At my advanced age of 50+ it is good to know that there are still first times for something.  Experience has taught me that the first time out of the gate is not likely a "win" for a newbie. 


In my case, my first tea ceremony was a snafu.  I studied so hard, too!  Fail!  *laughs at myself*   Did you know that tea leaves expand when you put water on them.  They expand quite a bit and keep on expanding as they soak up more water.  I did not expand as fast in my third trimester with twins!


I definitely added too many tea leaves to my gaiwan.  I think the videos were showing the full sized gaiwans and mine might be the miniature version.  Some small voice in the back of my mind is now whispering "children's tea set".  Is it possible?


I struggled on, trying to appear to Rob that I had some idea of what I was doing. I doubt I had been this clumsy since our first date. It was obvious I was messing it up pretty badly but he held his tongue and only complained about the bitter taste, three times.  Such restraint. 


I wanted to like the taste of the tea, honestly! The taste was so familiar.  I slurped my tea noisily as is the custom and swished it around in my mouth.  By cup number three I was certain.  Oolong tea tastes just like my grandfather's cigars smelled, foul and woodsy and damp.   I blame it on the abundance of tea leaves. 


Some good has come from this first experience,  We read our tea leaves and I saw a horse which means that I have the freedom to use my powers to excel and Rob saw a seahorse which is a symbol of luck and contentment.   


Round two will definitely be an improvement.  My cup literally runneth over.  

oolong tea leaves

Thank you so much for leaving your comments!  Your input is greatly appreciated. 

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