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Scrap Denim Memory Wreath

We have taken on a big project here at "Crafting with Beth".  We are going to make a denim quilt using our worn out and frayed jeans.  Quilts require lots of denim so we have had to pick up extra pairs from garage sales.  At $2.00/pair it has been an inexpensive way to gather the materials we need.  

There has been plenty of left over scrap denim to be put to use and what better way to use the leftover bits than to build a Scrap Denim Memory Wreath

denim wreath
denim wreath
denim wreath

We started with a dollar store pool noodle that we joined together with duct tape.  Then we picked through the scraps and using the biggest pieces first we glued them around the wreath form.  This project took up an entire, 4 fluid ounce, bottle of Elmer's school glue.  I probably should have used a different glue but it was the only one on hand when we got the inspiration to craft this wreath. 

Once all of the larger scrap pieces had been wrapped around the wreath form (alternating shades of denim ) we glued on some of the smaller scrap pieces to fill the gaps where we could still see the pool noodle.  It took about 2 hours to dry.

I used two push pins to tack on a strip of hem from a pair of jeans from which we could hang some pictures of Rob's dad, grandfather and mother.  Smaller clips may have looked nicer or even brightly coloured clips would have popped better.   

The bow was made by folding a square piece of denim into a fan shape and wrapping a long strip of denim around the centre and to the back of the form tying it off and snipping the long ends off.  Later, we added a pop of pink bandanna that I cut into three small strips and braided. 

Make sure you have a large space to work on this project and lay down a drop cloth to protect your table.  This can be a messy project with the amount of glue that you use so be prepared to keep your hands clean. 

We are very pleased with our first Scrap Denim Memory Wreath!!

Check out our other denim project, a "Girl's Room Scrap Denim Wreath"!

A Girl's Bedroom Scrap Denim Wreath
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